San Antonio, TX - 210 Kapone Grand Opening - RAW artist showcase - SCOPE

9:49 AM

Wow, yesterday it felt so good to get to physically display my work for people to see. That was my first gallery type of show and it was amazing and humbling to see people look at MY work, and talk about it, and share in it with me. Usually I send my galleries strait to my clients, so I don't always get to hear their thoughts, but this was definitely a great experience. I met a lot of talented, creative artists some of my favs being Salato designs - who makes super cute hand bags, and another artists who made beautiful necklaces out of paper. I was seriously impressed with that!
All in all, great night. I'll have pics up soon. Thank you so much to all the friends and family who came out to support me and show some love. It means so much! Love you guys! And to everyone one else I had the pleasure to meet last night - you guys rock, keep doing what you're doing!  

Venegas Studios is here and ready for action!
San Francisco Hair Stylist - Javier Cisne 

San Antonio Musician and Singer of "South River Trio" - Karen Guerra

When I wasn't mingling, I got to spend a couple minutes playing with my camera and doing a couple portraits on site! The colorful lighting was so fun to play with! 

Here's a photo of my display while I was setting up. Unfortunately, I don't have a pic at the moment to show you of the finished set up, but I will in a couple weeks.

Thank you everyone who came out! Friends and Fam! You guys are the best!
And Thanks Javier for snapping this photo ;)

After the fact, we titled this "piece":  "sqeeeeeze!!"

jk, But thanks everyone!! <3

Ok, that's all for now. Have a lovely day everyone. 

 Peace and Love ;)


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